Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Beginnings

My first week or so back in the city was both successful and enjoyable.  I met a lot of new people to the point where I can't remember more than half of their names and spent time with some old friends.  Class isn't too stressful yet and I can honestly say that I am liking learning which is something that I wouldn't normally say in the past.  Overall, I'm excited to find out what the rest of the year has to offer.

 giant operation
 korean tacos
 We'll miss you, Thai.  Good luck in Thailand

 My awesome batting skills...I'm pretty sure I missed

 Astronaut food!
 Cooking School!
 Nothing's better than free stuff

 Indian Gypsy Necklace
Structured bag: Urban Outfitters Surplus

Sunday, August 21, 2011

White Coat

Tomorrow is my first day of four years of pharmacy school, and have mixed emotions about the idea.  I know that it's going to be challenging so I'm nervous about how I'll be able to do what I need to do while still keeping my sanity and being able to have time for myself and for others.  It's been a while since I put a real effort into studying so it'll be interesting to see how I deal with things.  On the other hand, I'm always up for a challenge, and I'm really excited to meet new people and try new things.  I have the first day jitters.  I freshly painted my nails, checked the alarm clock three times, and will make sure I have everything packed before I go to sleep.  I hope everything goes well.  Anyways, this past Thursday was my white coat ceremony which was supposed to symbolize the beginning of my professional life and was a good segway into school.  Enjoy the pictures!

my sister and her big eyed smile 8 D
Thats me on stage to the left
 mi familia

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day Trip: Silver Beach

The only day of the week that my parents are both off is Tuesday so it has sort of become our "family day."  This past Tuesday we took a trip to Silver Beach in Michigan.  It was a gorgeous day, but happened to be too windy to swim so the red flags were up.  There were also dark clouds that passed and we just nearly missed rain.  Regardless, I got to spend some time outside and with my family so I quite enjoyed myself.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cannoli Cupcakes

Decided to bake up a quick batch of cannoli cupcakes because my sister and I were bored at home.  Nothing cures boredom quite like baking.

pistachio cake 
cannoli filling 
chocolate buttercream frosting
topped with mini chocolate chips and peanuts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

This City

Although I've lived in Chicago for the past four years and have come to dislike being around really touristy people, it's nice to get the chance to play tourist every once in a while and enjoy things I would normally just walk by on a daily basis.  Plus, I can never get enough of the lake and the skyline.

Macys on State
The entrance for the music festival Lalapalooza
Montrose Beach

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It was the end of a decade...but the start of an age

I have this big group of friends or "barkada" that I met somewhere in between my freshman year of college and now.  Although some of them are better friends than others, it was nice seeing and spending time with everyone whenever I could.  They were, honestly, a big part of my undergraduate life.  But as college progressed and others graduated, friends started growing older, moving out of the city, and on with their lives.  This past weekend I went to a party because the last few people from this barkada are moving out of the UIC campus so they thought we should all get together one last time.  It was kind of bittersweet.  It was nice seeing people that I haven't seen in a while, but I know this is going to be the last time we all get together.  I feel like I am beginning something new.  Leaving some friends.  Keeping a few.  Ready to meet a bunch of new ones.  Some of these people only made a slight impact on my life, but an impact nonetheless.  Looking back, I have a lot of good memories, and for that I am thankful.